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In a feudal society land is power. The land gave the man who had it resources, serfs, food, taxes, and control over vast forests and water resources. The more land the more power.

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Q: Why is land important in the issue of feudalism?
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Why was feudalism needed and how did it work?

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Feudalism is a political system in which land is given for military.

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Feudalism, in medieval Europe, was based on the exchange of land for military service.

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Feudalism, in medieval Europe, was based on the exchange of land for military service.

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A fief

What it feudalism?

Eurpean feudalism is where there is a monarch who gives fiefs of land to lords an vassals, who in turn give land to peasants and knights. You could call it a higherarchy.

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Feudalism was based on a hierarchy of needs, where serfs and peasants were at the bottom, and the Pope and highest leaders were at the top.

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Which system has monarchs or lords that give land to nobles?

This is a feudal society that you ask about.