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Q: Why is learning about consumerism important?
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Why is consumerism so important?

Consumerism is important because consumers shouldn't be taken advantage of when they are simply making a purchase. When businesses protect their customers, they can develop a loyal customer base.

How is consumerism important?

Consumerism is important because it creates jobs. If people stopped buying things, then employees would have to be laid off. Also, a recent study shows that the richest 20% countries consume 76.6% of products. As you can see, consumerism keeps the economy balanced.

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a consumerism play very important role in our economy. he create a demand for consumer good , and if he demand then only the goods will produced by producer or business man ,and we know very well that aggregate demand and supply is one of the important part of our economy ,so consumerism play very important role in economy.

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What is a synonym for consumerism?

Consumerism is a movement seeking to protect consumers against improperly labeled or shoddy merchandise. There is no synonym.