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Limestone is used in roads to make it strong and it doesn't wear out.

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14y ago
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its hard, durable, attractive and easy to fix

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14y ago

Crushed limestone makes a good, plentiful, fairly inexpensive road base and is also the basic material used to make the cement used in concrete.

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Q: Why is limestone used for road stone?
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What use limestone?

Limestone is used as a building stone, is cooked to make cement, is crushed to make road gravel, fill, and soil conditioner for agriculture.

Give two uses of limestone?

Road gravel and building stone.

What are the ways in which limestone and products made from limestone are used in the building industry?

Limestone is used as stone building blocks, Limestone is used in the manufacture of cement.

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calcination or lime-burning by AMY MATTHEWS 21/06/10

Why is limestone used as road stone?

Limestone is easy to cut and shape and it looks attractive. Limestone is readily available in many parts of the world and at relatively low cost. It is quite a durable material and has quite good strength when in compression.

Why can't limestone turn into slate?

Limestone is composed of the minute skeletal remains of sea creatures. Slate is the compressed mud and silt deposited on the sea floor. Both limestone and slate have been subjected to tremendous pressure and have become stone. Slate easily splits into sheets and can be used as a roofing material. Limestone can be used as a building material, and as hardcore in the construction and road making industries.

Type of stone used in construction of pyramid of Giza?

limestone and granite

What two types of stone were often used in pyramids?

limestone and granite