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ORIGINAL ENTRY: "logging is bad, but there are certain types of logging styles that can be even worst. For example, clear cutting can be bad if it is done in large areas. Clear cutting can cause the land to erode quicker and disturbs the wildlife. However, todays methods of sustainable logging is bad for the forests, the wildlife. I HAVE ENCLOSED A PICTURE OF ONE OF THEM......"

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13y ago
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12y ago

The benefits of logging are that it clears land and allows more rapid growth of the smaller plants, which increases photosynthesis.

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13y ago

It is the samme,they are both good and bad...The good effect is we get lumbers in it and the bad effect is,the animals will nolonger have a habitat....

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What are some of the logging companies?

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Why is there logging?

There is logging because we need paper and other wood resources. But why exactly do we have logging? If you love logging or hate logging then you should do something about that cause if yo never wanted logging to exist I'm with you. I hate logging. That doesn't mean you have to though. If you love logging then make more logging happen. Have a debate with your class about this. Hope you liked my answer!

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What is logging on?

logging is when you cut down trees

Hw old do you have to be to be a logger?

18 to work for a logging company. But to start a logging company you have to get your logging liscenes

What are the different types of logging?

There are currently three types of logging methods currently in use and they are Stem Only Harvesting (SOH) or tree-length logging, Whole Tree Logging (WTL) and finally cut-to-length logging.

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