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This is the ONE LESSON [care and concern for others] mankind has to learn in order to be given Eternal Life by his Creator. Mankind was specially created by God in His image to BECOME THE FUTURE IMMORTAL CHILDREN OF HIS FAMILY: the "Family of God."

Untold billions of God's Children Living Eternally HAVE TO BE ABLE TO GET ALONG WITH ONE ANOTHER... otherwise Eternity would be PURE HELL!

A prime example of "the torments of hell" as men have come to imagine it, is the all-too-real sin-sick miserable planet we've created for ourselves after the design and influence of this world's god whom men worship and obey... Satan the Devil. Mankind, living this "first phase of life," apart from his Creator, ignoring God's laws [don't murder one another, don't steal or lie to one another, be loyal to one another...].

Mankind is learning about Love "the hard way" [rebelling against his Creator's laws of Love] -- by first learning all about "hatred, suffering, greed, envy, jealousy and death." He's being trained by the "best" [or rather, the worst]... Satan the Devil... the "FATHER OF SIN." Sin, being the "breaking of the Ten Commandments" [I John 3:4].

"For you are the children of your father the Devil, and you love to do the evil things he does... When he lies, it is consistent with his character; for he is a liar and THE FATHER [originator] OF LIES." (John 8:44 NLT New Living Translation)

God promises His creation [His Children] that those who "overcome" [through obedience to Him] the character-building trials of this life, will have ETERNAL PEACE with Him in the future... when the earth and the heavens are renewed [see Rev.21:1].

"In that Day of PEACE, battle gear will no longer be issued. Never again will uniforms be bloodstained by war. All such equipment will be burned... the Government will rest on His shoulders... His ever-expanding, PEACEFUL GOVERNMENT will never end. He will rule Forever with Fairness and Justice from the throne of His ancestor David. The passionate commitment of the Lord Almighty will guarantee this!" (Isa.9:5-7 NLT)

Since the beginning, men have not known the way to Peace... because they don't Love one another... don't know how to get along with one another. Men have given in to their mortal nature -- SELFISHNESS. The "love of the self"... and the disregard for the well-being of others.

Today, most men only see... today. Few people understand their future and their potential as a Perfect Immortal Child of God with Perfect Godly Character, reborn into His future Family.

Loving others is important, because it would result in GLOBAL PEACE. It would result in an utterly changed world. A world without wars and murder. No one would steal or lie. A world without police departments, hospitals, pharmaceuticals. There would be no need for keys or locks. There would be no need for "tamper-proof" containers.

God has set before His creation, ETERNITY! It's waiting for all who learn to Love others during the allotted time God has given to man in this "first taste of life" we've been given.

It's a world that most people can't imagine right now... because this world teaches "hatred" instead of Love.

But in the Judgment, which God tells us is coming: " is destined that each person dies only once and AFTER THAT COMES JUDGMENT..." (Heb.9:27 NLT) -- all who have lived and died shall LIVE AGAIN... and rehash over what they've learned from their past experiences.

They will all face their Creator and give an accounting of themselves to Him. And everyone will have a decision to make. The decision whether or not they will bow down to Him... Love Him and Trust Him and Worship Him.

" also Christ died only once as a Sacrifice to take away the sins of many people. He will come again but not to deal with our sins again. This time He will bring Salvation to all those who are eagerly waiting for Him." (verse 28)

The Great Lesson of Love is presently hidden from most men. It's hidden away in the misery and suffer of the vast majority of the earth's population, regardless of the generation. In the Judgment, God's Truth will be evident to all. The hatred of this world's god is the way to DEATH!

The Love of our Creator, however... His outgoing selfless Love and Sacrifice for His creation, is the way to LIFE.

"For we know that all creation has been groaning as in the pains of Childbirth right up to the present time. And even we Christians, although we have the Holy Spirit within us as a foretaste of the Future Glory, also groan to be released from pain and suffering. We, too, wait anxiously for that Day when God will give us our full rights AS HIS CHILDREN, including the NEW BODIES He has promised us... we eagerly look forward to this Freedom. For if you already have something, you don't need to Hope for it. But if we look forward to something we don't have yet, we must wait patiently and confidently." (Rom.8:22-25 NLT)

The selfless Love of our Creator [Loving Godly Character] has to be experienced, taught and "learned." It's not something you can hand to someone. Mankind is slowly learning about this Love. A few have been learning it in this lifetime by experiencing God's Mercy and Forgiveness through Jesus Christ.

The vast majority of the generations of men, however, will learn it on Judgment Day, when they will live again and Jesus Christ will stand and shout:

"...If you are thirsty, COME TO ME! If you believe in Me, COME AND DRINK! For the Scriptures declare that rivers of Living Water will FLOW OUT FROM WITHIN.'" (John 7:37-38 NLT)

The uncaring selfishness of the flesh is "self-love." It's held within where it stagnates, festers and dies. This is the brand of "love" this world encourages.

The Love for others is as the powerful current of a "flowing river." It's the Love of God for His creation that Promises Eternal Life. It's slow in coming... but it's coming. It's important that it does, because ETERNAL DEATH is the alternative.

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it is because love is the meaning of life without this word "LOVE" all people feel whats the real essence of love or how your going to be loved by someone :)

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