

Why is lunch the most important?

Updated: 10/7/2023
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11y ago

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i have heard breakfast because it energizes the body, depending on what you eat

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Q: Why is lunch the most important?
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What is French peoples most important meal?

Lunch would be the most important meal, but it is important to have balanced meals. Breakfast should account for 25% of your daily needs, lunch for 40-45%, dinner for 30-35%.

What is Spain's most important meal of the day?

The most important meal in Spain is lunch.

When was lunch considered to be the most important meal of the day?

Lunch was considered the most important meal of the day in the 19th century, because industrial workers were spending longer hours at work and had less time for breakfast and dinner.

Why is lunch important?

it is important for your health.

What is the Average number of meals in Mexico?

Three. The most important would be lunch, around 2-3 PM.

What is the biggest meal of the day in Peru?

Lunch or Almuerzo, as they call it, is usually the largest and most important meal of the day

Why do you need to eat lunch?

Because most bodies are in motion, we need to nourish them. By not eating lunch, people tend to munch on snacks all day, which causes irregularity in the body and can cause weight gain. Lunch also happens at the peak of the day and gets us through the work day so we can survive until dinner.

Why do you have lunch?

it is important to maintain blood sugar level

What is the most important meal of the day?

That would be breakfast. I think all meals are pretty important there are 3 meals during a day breakfast, lunch and dinner. Breakfast is pretty much as important as dinner each meal keeps you up for a period of time. Let's say you eat breakfast that should keep you going until lunch if you skip lunch you may be hungry before dinner (it also depends on your organism). Hope this helped!!!

Do you have to take a lunch even though your job wants you to?

If Job is Important Skip Lunch. Otherwise Take Lunch You will get Energy so that U can Work with Lots of Concentration.