

Why is machine language require?

Updated: 2/24/2023
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6y ago

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Machine language, or machine code, is the only language the machine actually understands; it is the machine's "native language". Moreover, every machine has its own unique variant of machine code. Although there are many similarities between different machines since they all essentially perform the same primitive operations, there is no single "standard" for machine code. Different architectures have different encoding methods. One machine might use an 8-bit byte while another might use a 9-bit byte, or a 7-bit byte. These differences change the coding convention completely. Memory layouts may differ. The number and type of primitive operations can vary dramatically. And so on. Machines within the same family, such as the Intel x86 family of processors, have much in common with each other, but an Intel and a Motorola microprocessor have very little in common. Ultimately, they all operate differently and therefore each requires its own unique variant of machine code.

Although we do the bulk of our programming in a high-level language, a good understanding of the machine code produced by those languages can help us to create more efficient algorithms and thus better programs. Modern compilers are extremely good at producing highly efficient machine code, but occasionally we have to get our hands dirty and "bang the metal", whether it is writing an inline-assembly routine by hand or physically altering the machine code itself. Without an understanding of machine code we can do neither of these things. But if we wish to create better compilers or indeed better languages, then a good understanding of machine code is clearly a pre-requisite. Even if we do not intend to go to such extremes, an elementary understanding of machine code will go a long way; the closer we get to the machine's way of "thinking", the better our own code will be.

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Darron DuBuque

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In computer machine language is also known as binary language as it fulfills the condition of using two unique symbols to represent two states of electricity

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