

Why is milk not a complete food?

Updated: 10/6/2023
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11y ago

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That it contains adequate amounts of all nine of the amino acids deemed essential to proper development is a reason why milk is considered a complete food. The drink in question also may be described as a complete protein because of the same, above-mentioned reasons.

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9y ago
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11y ago

Milk contains almost all the nutrients your body needs. It contains protein(body building and repair), carbohydrates(energy and warmth), fats(energy and warmth, carries fat-soluble vitamins ADEK), vitamins(growth, prevents disease), and minerals(strong bones and teeth, body regulation).

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11y ago

Milk is a complete food for the infant of the mother who produces it.

Cow's milk is not a complete food for humans or any other animal besides calves.

If you consumed nothing but cow's milk, you would be deficient in Fiber, Vitamins A, C, E, B6, Thiamine, Niacin, Folate, Iron, Copper, and Manganese.

In fact, you would consume zero Fiber or Vitamin C, and only 5% of your required Iron and Manganese.

In addition, like all animal foods, milk is acidifying, so it actually causes you to lose bone density.

Finally, most humans are unable to digest milk sugar (lactose) past infancy, because they stop producing lactase, the enzyme needed to digest it. For an estimated 60% to 75%, this lactose intolerance causes digestive upset and a loss of nutrients.

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9y ago

Milk is the perfect food…for the infant of the mother who produces it. Mammals produce milk for their infants, and for no other reason. No mammals need to drink their mothers’ milk past infancy. That’s why they all eventually wean and move on to solid foods. And unless the mother dies or is otherwise unable to provide milk, no mammal needs the milk of another species. So humans old enough to be weaned from breastfeeding have absolutely no need for milk, be it from their mothers or another species.

In addition, milk is completely devoid of fiber. According to Dr. Keith Nemec, MD, "Casein [the main protein in milk] coats the digestive system, leading to leaky gut syndrome, malabsorption and/or constipation. These all lead to a weakened immune system and toxic build up in the blood along with a host of other health problems that stem from the leaky gut syndrome.”

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7y ago

If you're a human who is old enough to read, it's not.

Milk is a complete food for the infant of the mother who produces it. Cow's milk is not a complete food for humans or any other animal besides calves.

No mammal needs to consume milk past infancy, and no animal needs to consume the milk of another species.

If you consumed nothing but cow's milk, you would be deficient in Fiber, Vitamins A, C, E, B6, Thiamine, Niacin, Folate, Iron, Copper, and Manganese.

In fact, you would consume zero Fiber or Vitamin C, and only 5% of your required Iron and Manganese.

In addition, like all animal flesh and secretions, milk is acidifying, so it can actually cause you to lose bone density.

In addition, most humans are unable to digest milk sugar (lactose) past infancy, because they stop producing lactase, the enzyme needed to digest it. For an estimated 60% to 75%, this lactose intolerance causes digestive upset and a loss of nutrients. gives milk a Nutrient Balance Completeness Score of only 45, and a Protein Quality Amino Acid Score of only 85. By contrast, kale has a Nutrient Balance Completeness Score of 88, and a Protein Quality Amino Acid Score of 91. Milk isn't even the best source of calcium: 200 calories of whole milk provides 377 milligrams of calcium, while 200 calories of cooked kale provides 943 milligrams.

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7y ago

Milk is a complete food for the infant of the mother who produces it. Cow's milk is not a complete food for humans or any other animal besides calves.

No mammal needs to consume milk past infancy, and no animal needs to consume the milk of another species.

If you consumed nothing but cow's milk, you would be deficient in Fiber, Vitamins A, C, E, B6, Thiamine, Niacin, Folate, Iron, Copper, and Manganese.

In fact, you would consume zero Fiber or Vitamin C, and only 5% of your required Iron and Manganese.

In addition, like all animal flesh and secretions, milk is acidifying, so it can actually cause you to lose bone density.

In addition, most humans are unable to digest milk sugar (lactose) past infancy, because they stop producing lactase, the enzyme needed to digest it. For an estimated 60% to 75%, this lactose intolerance causes digestive upset and a loss of nutrients. gives milk a Nutrient Balance Completeness Score of only 45, and a Protein Quality Amino Acid Score of only 85. By contrast, kale has a Nutrient Balance Completeness Score of 88, and a Protein Quality Amino Acid Score of 91. Milk isn't even the best source of calcium: 200 calories of whole milk provides 377 milligrams of calcium, while 200 calories of cooked kale provides 943 milligrams.

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11y ago

babies don't have teeth so their mother eat to have breast milk to feed them and they get their balanced diet from their breast milk

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11y ago

Because milk have all type of food nutrients like calcium,protein,iron etc.. and its good for your health because in provide all nutrients in good manner

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11y ago

Milk is a complete food for babies under 1-2 years; but generally speaking a complete food doesn't exist.

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