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Since you have no service connected to a phone network.

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Q: Why is mobile showing emergency calls only?
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How do you stop the Lg ks360 from showing emergency calls only?

It's totally easy you see all you do is tap the screen 3 times.

Do you get charged for using emergency calls?

Using emergency calls should not count towards a person's cell phone minutes. This is typically only limited to 911, and does not include suicide hotlines or anything.

How do jailbreak your iPhone 3G when it only lets you make emergency calls?

using redsn0w

How do you unmask a blocked call?

There are mobile applications that allow blocked calls to be unmasked. TrapCall is a mobile app that not only unmasks blocked and restricted numbers, but also records incoming calls.

How do you intercept phone calls?

* The only legal way you can intercept phone calls is by the operator if it's an emergency. The operator will cut in on the call to the person you are trying to contact regarding the emergency. To intercept one's phone calls in any other way is against the law.

How do you turn the emergency calls only off on samsung TAB 2?

If your SIM Card is not inserted or is not seated properly, it may cause your phone to only allow calls to 911. Ensure your SIM Card is securely inserted into the slot. It may not hurt to remove it and re-seat it.

Do mobile phones need satellites?

The only time a mobile needs to use a satellite - is for international calling. Domestic mobile calls are handled by the network of repeater masts.

What kinds of phone service providers provide cheap calls to other mobile devices?

AT&T provides cheap phone calls that only requires a small pay per month. It can provide calls to other mobile devices and with no additional fees or taxes.

In case of emergency how can one unlock 3 Sim Card?

In case of an emergency, one can unlock the 3 Sim Card by simply awakening the phone and pressing the emergency button at the bottom of the screen. In emergency mode, only emergency phone calls can be made.

What is a 'fake call' on a mobile phone?

fake calls are when you ring someone and you pretend to be someone else or make something up for example if you ring emergency no. and say you have an emergency and you need the guards etc.. and they show up to where you told them and your only joking ; thats a fake call , btw doing that example has a pentalty said my teacher....... never do it

Are the sip-voip calls on your ipod touch mobile?

Yes, using RingCental your ipod touch mobile can be VoIP SIP phone. You only need to connect to internet and use ringcentral soft phone to make voip calls.

It is against the law to follow within feet of any emergency vehicle which is answering an emergency call.?

Tailgating an emergency vehicle is silly, as not only will you be speeding (only the emergency is allowed to speed while showing blue lights, and siren), but the emergency vehicle may stop suddenly, so you may crash and find yourself in trouble.