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Because it is a reaction against the past, as opposed to a movement toward a single literary aesthetic

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Because modernism is more of a reaction against convention than a movement with specific goals

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12y ago

Modern art is often more complex and tends to have hidden meanings. rather than earlier styles of art, which seemed to be very black and white

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Q: Why is modern art difficult to understand?
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Why modern art difficulty to understand?

Modern art can be difficult to understand because it often breaks traditional rules of art and challenges viewers to think differently. The use of abstract concepts, unconventional materials, and complex themes can make it hard for some people to interpret or appreciate. Additionally, modern art can require a deeper level of engagement and reflection to fully grasp its meaning.

Why modern art difficult to understand?

well, some artists do abstract painting, which means that its not real. artists just express their feelings, and sometimes, maybe they feel confused. they just do what they feel and maybe its hard to understand

Why might hogarths painting be difficult for modern audiences to understand?

William Hogarth's painting might be difficult for modern audiences to understand because the paintings attacked contemporary taste which modern audiences hold today.

When looking at modern art what should the viewer understand?

Artists were rebelling against art from previous periods.

Why was impressionism art an insult?

Most new art forms (in literature, in music, in pictorial art) are difficult to understand at first. Some people react by being angry.

Why is it important to study art?

Art defines us. Since the dawn of man, humans have tried to portray the world as he or she sees it, from the cavemen, to the Italian Renaissance, to modern day. By studying historical art you understand how people viewed the world before us. By studying modern arts you understand how we look at the world today.

In Of Plymouth Plantation why is Bradford's plain style difficult for modern readers to understand?

His syntax and vocabulary have become outdated.

What was the style of art for the modern art?

The modern art style is bright and colorful.True but also modern art began around the 1850's and 2000's. Mostly modern art is more real looking. But who am I to say what art is? For art is everything.

What are the characteristics of modern art?

Abstract art and expressionism are two characteristics of modern art. Other modern art characteristics include minimal art, pop art, surrealism, cubism, and expressionism.

What caused modern art to end?

modern art has not ended

When was This is Modern Art created?

This is Modern Art was created in 1998.

How can an art be called a modern art?

Modern art (Modernism) is a term applied to most of the art of the 20th century, to distinguish it from art of earlier periods. Art created in this century is actually Post-Modern.