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Q: Why is molasses used in silage making?
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Why 12 percent urea used in sailage making even though above 3 percent is toxic to animal?

It's the concentrated amount of urea that will kill, not the diluted amount that is added to silage. Urea will be diluted as it is added to silage, thus making it not toxic and edible for cattle to eat.

How do you spell silage?

The spelling "silage" is used for livestock feed made from fermented alfalfa, oats, or maize.

What are the benefits of making silage?

Silage is high-moisture and high-nutrient, which makes it optimal for feed (but is easily spoiled if oxygen is allowed into the storage silo) Silage is also used in anaerobic digestion, where the silage is fed to anaerobic digesters such as Methanosarcina and A. wodii to harvest biogas, which can be then used to generate electricity and heat.

What are limitations of silage as conserved fodder?

If the silage is exposed to any amount of oxygen, there is high potential for spoilage. When silage is spoiled, it cannot be used for livestock. Thus silage cannot be stored just anywhere, it must be stored in such a way that no oxygen is able to get into it. That enables the anaerobic bacteria to do their job and keep the silage as unspoiled as possible.

What process is used to remove the sulfur from molasses?

Sulfur is not removed from molasses. If you have seen molasses bottles that say "unsulphured" (old-fashioned spelling), it means that sulfur dioxide was not used in processing the molasses. Most molasses today is unsulfured.

What can and alcohol company use molasses for?

Making rum.

What is silage making?

Silage making is the process by which green/immature plants are harvested, stored and allowed to ferment for the purpose of feeding the fermented vegetation to livestock. This feed was originally loaded into silos to allow to ferment, but today can also be stored in large sealed plastic bags.

Where is silage stored?

In a silage pit or as bales

Why was molasses important in triangular trade?

Molasses was important mainly because it was used to make rum.

What is a silo?

The tall, cylinder shaped farm structures , that are used to store silage.

What is a sentence for molasses?

When we eat hot dogs and beans, my mother will add molasses to the beans to make them taste better.

What is a good sentence with the word silage in it?

The farmer fed silage to the pigs.