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"Mother to Son" by Langston Hughes is a free verse poem because it does not follow a specific rhyme scheme or metrical pattern. This allows the poet more flexibility in expressing emotions and ideas in a less constrained and more natural way.

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Q: Why is mother to son a free verse?
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Is the poem mother to son a sonnet?

No, the poem "Mother to Son" by Langston Hughes is not a sonnet. It is a free verse poem with a conversational tone that uses a mother's advice to her son as its central theme.

What does free verse have that blank verse doesn't?

Free verse has variable rhythm.

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Free form and free verse.

Was Mother and Son Aired on commercial television?

In Australia, Mother and Son was primarily aired on the ABC which is a free to air station. There was a remake in Britain which aired on the BBC.

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Education, Business and Free Verse

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None, Jesus was her only son (Technically, Jesus was only God's son, but Mary was like a mother and delivered him into the world.) <><><><> There is disagreement on this point. Matthew, Chapter 13, mentions the siblings of Jesus. Verse 55 Is not this the carpenter's son? is not his mother called Mary? and his brethren, James, and Joses, and Simon, and Judas? Verse 56 And his sisters, are they not all with us?

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There is no reason at all, unless the mother is not his biological mother or does not love the son.

How long is a free verse poem?

as long as you want it to be, it's FREE verse

What is the rhythm of a free verse poem?

There isn't a requirement of rhythm for a free verse poem.

A poem that generally has meter and rhyme?

a lyric

What is your relation to your mother's son's daughter's mother?

Your mother's son is you or your brother. Your mother's son's daughter is your daughter, or your niece. Your mother's son's daughter's mother is your wife, or your sister-in-law.

What is poetry with no rhyme scheme or meter?

Poetry that does not use set meter or rhyme scheme is known as free verse. This phrase, however, can be somewhat deceptive because while poetry in this form does not adhere to traditional definitions of poetry forms, these elements of rhyme and meter are still important. It is rare to find a poem that is truly free verse, where the poet has not thought extremely carefully about every word choice in each line.