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it is hard to tell with fish but, i can think of 3 things; a:its pregnet;b:i believe fish get gas too... and c: it is just fat

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Q: Why is my Plecostomus algae eater stomach big?
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How big does a Chinese algae eater get?

6 inches

Will algae eaters eat my goldfish?

It depends, if your goldfish are smaller than your algae eater, and big enough to fit in it's mouth, then very much so. If the goldfish are small, but too big to fit into your algae eater's mouth, then he might just injure them. But your algae eater shouldn't be so small that your goldfish could eat it. The rule with fish that I always go by is, if it can fit into it's mouth, it will be eaten.

Is a algae eater poisionous?

Algae eating fish are not poisonous to people. However, even the largest varieties do not get very big, so they are not really commonly eaten by humans.

What type of algae eater is best for a goldfish tank with four goldfish?

it doesn't really matter what kind of algae eater you get for the tank.In my experience with goldfish I've found that plecos work well although they get very big and will need to be kept in a very large tank.

If you have 3 goldfish and a algae eater what turtle wont eat them?

All aquatic turtles eat fish, even if it's too big toeat.

How do you tell if a alage eater is a male or female?

It really depends on what species of fish it is. However, there are few (if any) sexually dimorphic algae eaters. you can tell by how big it is.

What is the medical term meaning big eater?

In a literal translation, "macrophage" means big eater.

How big to plecostomus algae eaters get?

It depends not only on the type of algae eater, but also the size of the tank. If you're talking about plecostamus, they can grow to 6 feet long in the wild, and in a tank will usually die once they hit two feet long. (sad, really) All life has a genetic imperative to reach it's full size. If you put an animal (fish or whatever) in a container too small for it, it will become so stressed, eventually, that it will die. That is why people think goldfish live for only 2 or 3 years, when in actuality their life span is closer to 25 years. If you get a pleco, try to get a dwarf (7 inches long fully grown). If you are looking for an algae eater, try an otocinclus, a coryadora, or a mystery/apple snail. They do a more thorough job and are less of a hassle to clean up after. Good luck!

Is the hippo's stomach big enough to hold a human?

No of course not and hippo's are nice not man eater's just don't go in to there home they just trying to protect there hippo pups!!

What is big red and eats rocks?

a big red rock eater

Which type of cell are big eater?


Which fish eats algae growing on a shark's body?

The most popular species of fish for algae eaters: 1. Plecostomus (several varieties) 2. Rosie Barbs (cherry) 3. Siamese Algae Eaters 4. Otto (Otocinclus 5. Many species of freshwater shrimp and snails are also great algae-eaters. 6. Catfish 7. Goldfish 8. Koi