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Well, your turtle would only be trying to hibernate in the winter. So it's not that. You should take him to an exotic vet or reptile specialist. If your turtle is a female and being housed with a male then she is probably pregnant. Pregnant turtles tend to eat less. But you should still take him to a vet.

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Q: Why is my Red-Eared Slider turtle suddenly not eating well and how do I know if it's trying to hybernate?
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My red eared slider turtle isn't eating what can i do?

Cheek it water it needs to be warm.

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yes. they will stop eating suddenly if they are.

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Eating poisonous plants.

Why wont your red ear slider eat?

your red ear slider isn't eating because they are timid animals and it is probaly scared of you try fider fish first if that dosent work the put in floating pellets and leave the room.

Why am I suddenly eating a lot and constantly tired?

This may be due to stress or lack of sex.

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When it suddenly starts eating all your stuffed animals.

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Your boyfriends eating and sleeping habits have no bearing on whether you are pregnant.

How do you know if a red ear slider is pregnant?

wan it stop eating or that he don't like the foodTurtles are reptiles. They lay eggs. They do not get pregnant.

How long can ared earedslider go without eating?

In the wild, during brumation, which is similar to hibernation, a red eared slider turtle can go for several weeks or even months without eating. In captivity however, it is unhealthy for a turtle to go this long without eating.

Why do you suddenly become full really easily and constipated too?

because your eating large amounts of cheese

Is it normal to suddenly regurgitate food after eating a larger than normal meal?

no go see a doctor