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your hamster might be dying or it is sick

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Q: Why is my hamster's urine a milky white?
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Why does my hamster drink its own pee?

All hamsters have white milky urine, nothing to worry about.

What is the milky white substance that comes out along with urine through vaginal opening when a girl is pregnant?

That is your mucus plug !

Do Hamsters sweat milk?

Yes, it is very common that Hamsters sweat sometimes even in their urine ( PEE ) .

Can you get white hamsters?

Yes you can. If you are interested they are called Winter White Russian Dwarf hamsters.

What is the colour of the Milky Way?

people usually say milky white, because all the stars together look like milky white.

What is the name of a milky white semi precious stone?

Howlite is milky white, with grey veins.

What does it mean when your hamster has white stuff in the corner of its cage and in the cardbord box?

I think that's just their urine. see hamsters urine *sorry I'm young and don't like using the word pee.* when hamsters urinate they have this acid stuff in it so it leads to the places your hamster went to be white and it's hard to scratch off. ( but you don't really want to.) If the white stuff is gooey then i don't know. (I might but i don't want to say...)

Is the color of penicillin white and milky?

It's pink and milky

How many types of hamsters exists?

Syrian Hamsters - Winter White Hamsters - Chinese Hamsters - Campbells Dwarf Hamsters - Roborovski Hamsters So, 5.

Is white urine related to sperm?

By white urine you mean clear urine or white because clear urine is just urine but white urine is semen and if you had a "tickling" sensation before it happened then its semen.

Is bob ross black?

No hes more of a milky coffee

How do you know a panda hamster from a hamster?

panda hamsters are black and white and normal hamsters are brown and white.