

Why is my period early and like water?

Updated: 9/28/2023
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βˆ™ 8y ago

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If you are worried about your health you should go and see a qualified medical practitioner (a Doctor), the internet is no place to get random medical advice.

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βˆ™ 8y ago
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Q: Why is my period early and like water?
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Is it possible to have a period while pregnant?

No, but during early stages of being pregnant you can get bleeding which seems like a normal period. This is common.

Does starting your period early mean that you like boys?

No, menstruation doesn't impact on your sexuality.When you start your period doesn't make you heterosexual.

What does it mean if you start your period early?

You got your period early!

Can you be pregnant if your period come a week early?

You could be if the period is light or shorter than usual. However, if it is like your normal period but just early then it's unlikely you're pregnant. If it's light, you should take a pregnancy test

Is a period that is 2 days early a sign of pregnancy if your cycle is usually like clockwork?

No. Since your period has come, you are not pregnant. Early or late periods could also have more to do with stress, a change in diet or exercise. the above answer is not 100% true, it depends on what the period is like, is it lighter or heavier than normal?

If your period comes on early does that mean that you are not pregnant?

if your period comes on early does that mean that you are not pregnant?

Why did your period come 4 days early?

why did my period come 4 days early?

Is a period that is 2 days early even though it has never been late or early a sign of pregnancy?

If your period was very short and light as well as early there is a possibility that it was an implantation bleed. If your period was normal except that it was 2 days early then it was probably just an early period.

I started my period two weeks early and i have no cramps at all and its a very light period i feel sick though like wanting to throw up sometimes is this because of my period and why is it so early?

It could be a sign that you are pregnant.Your "period" might actually be implantation bleeding.You should wait and do a pregnancy test when your normal period is expected