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Newton was the first to propose that there was a force of attraction between matter. He called this force gravity somewhat to counter Aristotle's explanation that things rose because of "levity". Newton said things fell because of gravity.

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Q: Why is newton credited with developing the law of gravitation?
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Related questions

Why is newton credited with developing the law of universal gravitation?

because he was the only one who discovered gravity.

Which scientist is credited with the Law of Universal Gravitation?

Sir Isaac Newton

What developed the universal law gravitation?

Isaac newton created the universal law of gravitation.

Identify the individual who was responsible for developing the laws of gravity and calculus.?

Gottfried Liebniz and Isaac Newton are credited with co-developing the Calculus, based on work from Archimedes, Cavalieri, and others. But only Newton also studied gravity, and attempted to come up with a theory about how and why it worked.

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Universal law of gravitation is given by?

The universal law of gravitation is given by Issac Newton.

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newton first law of motion newton second law of motion newton third law of motion newton gravitation law of motion

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What was newton most known for?

newton was most knon for his law of gravitation

Who developed the law of gravitation?

The Law of Universal Gravitation is derived from observations by Isaac Newton, called induction.

Who discovered universal gravitation?

Universal law of gravitation is also called as Newton's law of gravitation.By the name it is clear that it was discovered by the father of physics"Sir Isaac Newton".

Where did newton formulate the universal law of gravitation?

He was in an orchard examining apples falling when he formulated the Universal Law of Gravitation.