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Q: Why is nondisjunction more common occurrence in older females?
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Males 19 years and older = 5mgFemales 19 years and older = 5mgPregnant females = 6mgBreastfeeding females = 7mg

Do older men have crushes?

yes they do but on younger females

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CMP is most common in adolescent females, although older people may also develop it. An average of two out of 10,000 people develop this condition, many of them runners or other athletes.

Can all boys has nightfall in his life?

Yes, it is common for boys to experience nocturnal emissions or "nightfall" during adolescence. This is a natural part of male development and usually stops as they get older. It is a normal and healthy occurrence.

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18 or older, and ONLY females.

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Can a older female gecko be with a younger female gecko?

yes they can because i have two females in the same cage

Is Robert Pattinson more interested in younger or older females?

Any, I'm sure he isn't fussy.

What is the common cause of death for lions?

Adult males are more likely to die from fights rather than old age. The majority of deaths from fighting occurs before age ten. Female die around the age of 15. In females, decaying teeth ends hunting days, but not life. Older females are still aloud to eat the kill.

Is older a common noun?

No, "older" is not a common noun. "Older" is an adjective used to compare the age of two or more people or things. Common nouns are general names for people, places, things, or ideas, such as "dog," "city," "book," or "love."

What does Oppa mean in Korean?

"Oppa" is a term in Korean that is used by females to refer to an older male friend or brother. It can also be used by a younger female to address an older male that she is close to in a friendly or affectionate way.