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Q: Why is ocean water more dense than fresh water at the same temperature?
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Why is ocean water more dense than regular fresh water?

Ocean water has salt and other minerals, but fresh water has no salt. Fresh water also has minerals in it, but ocean water has more.

Ocean water is more dense than fresh water due to which content?

Ocean water has many more various salts and minerals dissolved in it.

How do temperature and salinity different produce convection currents?

The large amount of solids dissolved in ocean water, which is the salinity, makes it more dense than fresh water. Cold water is denser than warm water (temperature). These differences in density produce convection currents

How does salinity affect the density of the ocean water?

Dissolving salts in water increases the density slightly. Ocean waters have an average density about 2.5% greater than fresh water. The Dead Sea has a much higher density, somewhere roughly near 20% greater than fresh water due to its 30% salinity level.

What are two factors that determine ocean water density?

There are two main factors that make ocean water more or less dense the temperature of the water and the salinityof the water.

What two factors are most significant in creating a dense mass of ocean water?

Depth and temperature.

Which is densier ocean water or tap water?

Salt water is more dense than fresh water. The salts and minerals in ocean water have more mass/volume than the water. So, the total density is greater .

When the density of ocean water increase?

Gets colder.

Can ocean plants survive on fresh water?

they can if the ocean is fresh water

Describe the density and temperature characteristics of water in equatorial regions?

I think the density is more fresh water in the ocean

The density of ocean water increases when it?

Ocean water gets more dense as temperature goes down. So, the colder the water, the more dense it is. Increasing salinity also increases the density of sea water. Source: Science book.

How much fresh water is in the ocean?

The Pacific Ocean is salty, there is no fresh water in it.