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That is called a dominance complex.

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Q: Why is one obsessed with being right and compelled to correct others even when they give wrong information?
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Because they are afraid of what others think, they are afraid of not being accepted and feel like they need to uphold an image that others will approve of.

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The correct phrase you're looking for is... "Do unto others as you would have others do to you."

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The correct way to punctuate the word "others" is as is, without any additional punctuation.

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No; depending on the context, try, 'they and others' or 'those and others.'

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Why everyone is obsessed with silly bandz is kids or adults likes the colors of the silly bandz and the shape it has. Kids think there cool to show off how many they have like a challenge with others and it can be a hobbie too!

Why are some girls obsessed with thighs?

Some girls, like one I know, are obsessed with thighs because they find their giggliness and piumpness appealing. Some girls are like this, others are not. Me and my fried, have another friend that will not stop talking about it. Sometimes she does it to amuse us, (of course we don't) but usually, she does it without knowing that she is obsessed with them. Some girls are obsessed with thighs for many reasons. It could also be that thighs are the flabbiest part of the body. !

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Maybe you should seek a doctor or a psychiatrist if this obsession is causing you harm or others' harm.

Am I legally required to give the IRS information of a person's whereabouts if I have contact info?

You are definitely going to want to consult with an attorney on this one. In general, your "right to remain silent" is if it's going to incriminate you. Not others. To then withhold information on others may be construed as "aiding and abetting" or "obstruction of justice". On the other hand, if you are a spouse, minister, doctor, reporter or such, there are some exceptions. Best bet? If you don't want to be compelled to give information, do not admit you have that information in the first place. Now, really, please consult with an attorney. The IRS isn't known for playing.

What does obsesses mean?

To be fascinated by something, to be unable to think about anything else. It always takes the preposition "by" or "with". "He is obsessed by Kennedy's assassination." "She is obsessed with shoes."

Does give you real answers?

It depends on who answers the questions, because most people can be trusted to post correct information, but others may post answers that are not true.

A narcissist with a socially pleasing demeanor?

Most narcissists do have a socially pleasing demeanor. A person can be obsessed with themselves even to the point of how they appear to others.

What mania is Being obsessed with yourself?

Narcissism is a condition characterized by an excessive interest in oneself and a lack of empathy for others. It involves a preoccupation with one's own appearance, self-importance, and a need for admiration from others.