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I don't completely understand but if you mean the thing above the beak is turning pink it means it's a girl.

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Q: Why is our Parakeets that turn pink?
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What does it mean when a parakeet's face turn pink?

if your parakeet has a pink nose, that means it is still a baby, adult parakeets have a blue or brown nose, depending on the gender.

Can a female parakeet nose turn blue?

I don't think so. I read that adult female parakeets noses are brown and that adult male parakeets noses are blue. But, young female parakeet's noses are "bluish" and a young male parakeet's nose is pink.

Do pregnant parakeets have a red area above beak?

Parakeets do not become pregnant, they lay eggs. Females have a pink or tan color nostril band.

Do tigers turn pink?

No, tigers do not turn pink.

How do you tell male from female on parakeets?

By there noses. A males nose is blue. A female is pink or a light peach

How do you tell a boy or girl bugies apart?

if on top of a parakeets nose is blue it is a boy if pink or white it is a girl.

When do females parakeets Ceres turn brown for them to mate?

female ceres turn brown around 6 months of age

When something changes from pink to blue?

Acids turn blue litmus pink and bases turn pink litmus blue.

If lungs don't turn pink after quitting smoking what color do they turn?

They do turn pink again just over time

Can a red garnet turn pink in sunlight?

A garnet is a red stone and it will not turn pink in the sunlight.

How do you turn pink paint into a terracotta colour?

to turn pink into a terra cotta color mix pink and brown and a little bit of red

If parakeets egg is pink what does it mean?

it means it is not fertilized. I'm pretty sure, but the girl wil throw it out herself if it is so don't touch it.