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Homeostasis keeps the balance in your internal environment. Maintaining homeostasis in the body is done through three vital organs; the kidneys, liver and brain. These regulate the temperature, iron content in our blood, retention and production of energy and overall blood composition. The pH is important because it measures the acidity or basicity of a solution, in which the homeostasis can do its job of maintaining the balance of your internal environment. When a pH level is high or low is a solution it then causes and reaction in which the homeostasis has to balance out.

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Without the pH maintenance being maintained there would not be the case of homeostasis. for more information log on to:

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Q: Why is pH important to the maintenance of homeostasis in the body?
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A sentence with the word homeostasis?

1.The oyster maintained homeostasis even in the cold water. Homeostasis - the maintenance of internal condition within an body. For instance, maintaining temperature or ph level.

Define the term 'homeostasis'?

homeostasis is the maitenance of a constant internal environment

Why is it important that your body carefully control the temperature and pH of its tissues?

Because enzymes (and metabolism in general) are sensitive to changes in temperature and pH and optimized to certain values to properly maintain homeostasis.

How does homeostasis impact the human body?

Maintain a normal value of certain body temperature.

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All organisms need water to survive. water helps homeostasis of an organism's body and acts as a universal solvent for the body's pH.

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The maintenance of a consistent internal environment is called homeostasis. The lungs help maintain homeostasis by regulating blood pH and gas regulation by eliminating carbon dioxide as a waste product.

Anyone know anything about homeostasis?

Homeostasis is the process of maintaining a constant internal environment and when it comes to living organisms, it can mean the maintenance of a constant temperature, pH, and chemical concentration.

The importance of pH scale in homeostasis?

Keeping acid-base levels in check in the body is the key to maintaining body homeostasis. This is because it controls, among other things blood iron content, retention or loss of salts and water and body temperature.

What is the fastest compensatory mechanism for maintaining ph homeostasis in the human body is?

The chemical buffering system.

Why is homeostosis important to organism?

Homeostasis is important to an organism because it is the correct living environment for that organism to live in. The human body need to stay at a temperature of 37 degrees Celsius, with a pH around 7.4 in most areas, and have even breathing in order for it to survive. Homeostasis allows this to happen.

How is body temperature regulated?

Body temperature is regulated by homeostasis, or thermoregulation. It also controls pH levels and water levels inside of the human body.

How body regulates temperature?

Body temperature is regulated by homeostasis, or thermoregulation. It also controls pH levels and water levels inside of the human body.