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Q: Why is planting trees good on earth day?
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Is Arbor day is celebrated by planting corn?

no, it's celebrated by planting trees

Do Americans celebrate earth day?

Earth day is a great time to care about Earth, many people in the United States celebrate earth day by recycling, picking up trash, planting trees, saving more energy, etc. So remember everyday is Earthday

Are trees renwable?

trees are renewable because people r planting trees evry day (:

To celebrate arbor day you should do what?

by planting a tree because arbor day is when the farmers move to America and started to cut all the trees so they made a holiday which means you celebrate by planting trees .

How many trees are plant on national tree planting day?

1 million

Why is arbor day so important?

Arbor day is a day to think about earth. Plant trees, don't pollute, and recycle. For this day you just try to help this day the most you can. Just like earth day you try to save the polar bears and stop polluting that is what you do for Arbor Day!

What did the people do on earth day?

On Earth Day, people participate in various activities to promote environmental protection and sustainability. This may include planting trees, cleaning up litter, organizing educational events, advocating for policy changes, or simply raising awareness about the importance of taking care of the planet.

How many trees are planted on earth day?

thousands and thousands of trees are planted

Many people plant these on earth day?


How is earth day today?

Earth Day is celebrated by doing activities such as planting a tree or anything to help the earth and where you live. Recycling is an easy way to help the earth. Like what I was taught, "Recycle and save a tree." -L16

What is the original motto for Earth Day?

'One world, one you, one chance' is a good earth day slogan. Ans#2: Root for the Trees Trees are the root of our existence Trees are life Trees provide life Save the trees of our life T.R.E.E.S. = Treat our existing ecosystem sacredly Don't bark up my tree Save a TREE, kill a BUSH Pssst...that bamboo grows faster than I do! If a tree falls, it's heard everywhere

What is done during Arbor Day or week?

Arbor day is dedicated to the planting and conservation of trees. Education programs on horticulture and tree care are held in some places.