

Why is plastic harmful to the people?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Why is plastic harmful to the people?
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If you can smell burnt plastic then you could potentially be in danger. Smoke from burning plastic can be harmful to breathe.

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Dioxin poisoning. Cancer from plastic fibers.

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because some people litter and animals eat it then die by chocking or sometimes it will get stuck in their guts

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When you burn a plastic spoon, it releases harmful toxins into the air, including carbon monoxide, dioxins, and furans. These toxins can be harmful to your health and the environment. It is important to avoid burning plastic and dispose of it properly.

Harmful of plastic?

It effect to our planet. It's killing our planet. It very very harmful. We should stop using it. Animal die of eating plastic. Plastic polluting the ocean. Make life more difficult. Effect to our environment very badly.