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Q: Why is protein important for adults?
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Are proteins good for you?

Proteins help chilgren grow and build mucle.In adults protein is needed to replace or repair damaged cells.So yes it is important.

Why kids need more protein than adults?

kids need more protein because they're growing up in life, and the need to get their body worked together, etc. but, although, adults can eat healthy with protein foods.

Why is it important for your body to get protein?

because protein is important to build muscles

What is the plant food that qualifies as a complete protein for children and adults?


Partially complete proteins can supply the protein needs of?

healthy adults

How much protein can a human consume?

Adults should get at least 10% to 35% of daily calorie needs from protein foods.

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Use the word protein in a sentence?

protein is very important building block of our body. protein build muscle and cell wall.

Why the healthy diets of adults and children may be different?

Younger children especially need more protein than adults because their bodies are still growing.

What are the symptoms of gradual onset renal vein thrombosis in adults?

In adults, when the onset of the disorder is gradual, there is a slow decrease in kidney function, and protein appears in the urine.

Are protein drinks important?

Some protein drinks are good for you which makes them important but the ones that aren't that have lots of sugar are useless.

What is the center of protein synthesis?

Ribosomes play important role in the protein synthesis.