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because plastic is hard and kind of thik and paper you can cut and glue and do all sorts of stuff with paper cuz it is thin.

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Q: Why is recycling plastics more difficult than recycling paper?
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What is the purpose of the recycling codes on plastics?

The purpose of having a recycling code on plastics is so that they can be tracked. Different companies want their plastics back to make more bottles for example.

Is recycling plastics actually good for the environment?

Recycling Plastics actually is not good for the enviorment. It may come as a shock, but more money is wasted and more pollution is created by recycling plastic than it would be if it was created new. There is actually more than enough materials to create new plastic in the world at the moment, so recycling plastics is a really long way from becoming nessecary.

Disadvantages of recycling paper?

One of the biggest disadvantages of recycling paper is that the byproducts and the chemicals that are used in its process are harmful to health and the environment if not properly taken care of. Also, the energy and resources that are used in recycling paper cost a lot more than recycling plastic.

Disadvantages and advantages of recycling?

Recycling can, in some cases, use up more energy to reuse plastics and metal. The recycling process, as a whole, employs a lot of people. Recycled metals can be used to make new metal tin cans. Recycled plastics can be used to produce new plastic bottles, etc. So, on the whole, I think recycling is a good thing.

Is plastics recycling energy efficient?

It is only a little more energy efficient than creating new plastic. Aluminum recycling, though, is 90% more energy efficient than making new aluminum for bauxite.

What kind of paper products can I bring to cardboard recycling centers?

Cardboard and paper are the two major options here, but some cardboard recycling centers may allow more.

What can be put in a recycling bin?

Any kind of paper, glass, plastic, aluminum foil, and cardboard. There are more items that you can put into recycling bins, but there are a few of them.

Why does precycling save more resources than recycling does?

why percycling saves more resources than recycling does is we keep on using paper cups and we could be using cups.The same thing with paper plates we keep on using paper plates and we could be using plates.

What pollutes the air more plastic or paper?

Burning plastic releases toxins into the atmosphere. Therefore, plastics pollute the air more than burning paper (the paper could be recycled or composted).

When was recycling discovered?

Some people say that recycling was utilized more 50 years ago than today, even before they CALLED it recycling, simply because we didn't throw so much away. The big recycling boom started in the 1970's.

Why is recycling a good thing?

recycling can save the environment and could save millions of tree's. except for the fact the only reason that those trees are being cut down is because of the reduction of tree farms. which is the result of paper recycling, as it stands there is nothing really good about recycling.

What are the disadvantages and advantages of rotting plastics?

The more use of plastic it increases the trash because the plastic can't wasted it can only be shape into another thing that's why there is recycling