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The density of materials is depending on the chemical composition, chemical structure, temperature, pressure. Between rubbing alcohol and vegetables oils many differences exist. Note also that more than 1oo types of vegetable alimentary oils are used.

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Q: Why is rubbing alcohol less dense than vegetable oil?
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What type of liquid has a close density to vegetable oil?

Rubbing alcohol is less dense, it will float on top ofvegetableoil.

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No, it is more dense than water and cooking oil.

What happens if you mix chlorine bleach and rubbing alcohol?

Answer#1The alcohol, being less dense will float on top. They do not react. This answer is nonsense. Alcohol and bleach will mix, and they react, but not in a way that will kill you. Alcohol is less dense than water or bleach (water plus sodium hypochlorite) but alcohol and water do mix... mixed drinks, anyone?

Is oil less dense then water?

Kerosene and turpentine are less dense than engine oil. So is water and rubbing alcohol and other common liquids.

Why is rubbing alcohol less dense than water?

If you filled a 1L bottle with water and another 1L bottle with rubbing alcohol, which bottle would feel heavier? Use your data to thoroghly explain why. The rubbing alcohol would be heavier because water's density is 1.0, and rubbing alcohol's density is much more than that. Right???

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Pure ethanol is less dense.

Does rubbing alcohol or pepsi evaporate?

At RT, rubbing alcohol would evaporate in a quicker time as its boiling point is less than that of water.

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Why does ice float on water but sinks in methylated spirits?

The density of rubbing alcohol is 75% that of water. Thus ice (frozen water which is roughly equal in density to liquid water), sinks in rubbing alcohol since it has more mass per cubic millimeter than the alcohol does. In order to float, the object would have to be less dense than the alcohol per cubic space.

Why do you have to use alcohol to extract DNA?

Because it is less dense than the alcohol and make it float

Does rubbing alcohol evaporate faster when cooled?

the atmosphere determines rate of evaporation. if the atmosphere is as dense as a liquid within the atmosphere there is no evaporation at all. on earth, cooler atmospheres are generally less dense, so it's not cooling the liquid alcohol as much as providing it with a supply of less dense atmosphere that will make a liquid, alcohol, evaporate faster. on the extreme, putting a liquid into a vacuum will cause it to almost immediately evaporate, a.k.a. standardize the temperature and pressure of its atmosphere. there is really no such thing as evaporation as much as there is homogenization, standardization, of its atmosphere.