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Because it deals in some very large and very small numbers.

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Q: Why is scientific notation especially useful in earth science?
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What are the uses of scientific notation?

Scientific notation gives a compact notation, which is especially useful for writing down - and doing calculations with - very large, and very small, numbers.

What areas of science use scientific notation?

All areas. Scientific notation is useful whenever you have very small or very large numbers, and these appear in some aspect of every branch of science.

Would measuring stars be useful for scientific notation?

You have it in reverse. Scientific notation is useful for measuring stars.

Why is scientific notation useful in economics?

Scientific notation is useful in economics to compute very large or very small numbers.

How is scientific notation useful in mathematics?

Scientific notation is useful in mathematics because it makes very large or very small numbers easier to compute.

How can you scientific notation to solve real world problems?

Scientific notation is useful for very large or very small numbers. If you use such numbers in your "real world", then scientific notation will be very useful. This may be the case, for example, when you work in science or engineering. Otherwise, if you don't work in an area that uses such large or small numbers, you probably won't find much use for them.

Why would I prefer scientific notation instead of standard notation if I'm a biologist?

Scientific notation is especially useful if you use very large numbers, or very small numbers (numbers close to zero). I am not sure whether biologists commonly use such numbers, though.

Why is the use of scientific notation important to chemistry?

Scientific notation is useful because it helps to read values' significant figures (sigfigs). For example, the number: 6.02^(-10) is much easier to read than .000000000602. When dealing with especially large or small quantities, scientific notation makes it easier to understand how big or small the quantity is.

What is the scientific notation and why is it useful?

You use scientific notation when it comes to "too large" or "too small" numbers. The reasons why using scientific notation is useful are that it saves time to do the computation and also that it makes people's life easier to compute values instead of writing them out completely!

When is scientific notation most useful?

When you have a number with a large amount of digits.

Where can you use scientific notation?

Scientific notation tends to be useful any time you have to deal with either very large numbers or very small numbers.

How is scientific notation useful to atsromeners?

1.9 X 1027 kilograms ------------------------ This is the mass of Jupiter. Try writing that out in longhand and you will see why scientific notation is useful to astronomers. Very large numbers in astronomy need a way to write them in a useful and compact form.