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Q: Why is sequoia trees and redwood trees have thick bark?
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Do giant redwood trees self ignite?

No but the thick soft bark will burn easily in forest fires.

When is redwood and sequoia bark thickest?

when it has matured

How does redwood bark thicknes help the trees stay healthy?

The thick bark is fire-resistant so it can survive fires

How does the thick bark of a redwood tree help the tree?

Very thick, 3-5 feet thick.

How do redwood trees interact with other plants and animals in a forest?

People lick the bark of redwood trees therefore mutualism is created

What tree does redwood come from?

redwood trees are the worlds tallest and mos amazing tree with a diameter of 30 feet and a height of up to 390 ft, tallest living is hyperion standing 379 feet, the redwoods close relitive the giant sequia is the largest tree but not the tallest and the largest livind is the general saherman tree with a bole volume of 52, 000 cubic square feet and a diameter of 33 to 37 feet , gaining 4 inches in diameter each year, the bark of giant sequia is 3 feet thick and bark of redwood is one foot thick, and both only reside in one area in california, only 99 percent has been gone from the earth due to asteroid , the ice age and humans

Do the Redwood trees have an origin for the name?

Do you mean"Sequoia"The "Sequoia" part of Seqouia sempervirens and Sequoiadendron gigantea is in honor of the great Cherokee patriarch of the Cherokee written language, Sequoia. Several other names were used prior to settling on this most appropriate one.Redwood is obvious since it is the only tree that I am aware of that has "red wood" and bark.

What Is The Lifespan Of An Red Pine?

The typical lifespan of an average redwood tree is 500 to 700 years, although some have been knows to live up to 2000 years old. The biggest reason for these long life spans is the thick bark of the redwood trees.

What is the adaptation of a redwood?

Redwoods in different areas have different adaptations. The most important adaptation for Redwood is its thick bark with deep grooves running vertically along the tree.

How does redwood's thick bark helps them stay healthy?

The bark is the equivalent of human skin. It provides 'pathways' for the sap to rise upwards and along branches, stems and leaves. It also provides a certain amount of protection from attacks by animals, birds etc.

How does the redwoods bark help the trees stay healthy?

The thick bark is fire-resistant so it can survive fires

How cottonwood trees and redwood trees different?

Both trees are native to North America. Cottonwood trees are hardwood and are used for lumber/timber production. Cottonwood trees grow at a fast speed. Redwood trees are softwood. The bark is apparently fire-proof. They are the tallest trees in the world, and can reach an age of over a thousand years.