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Because it is so easy to generate the energy in one place and use it in another.

Other forms of energy generally require either having the source of the energy be right there where it's going to be used (think of a mill by a river), or else require transporting some fuel.

With electricity, there can be a generating plant outside of town, and you can use it any place there's a wire. It is delivered instantly and silently, and with a relatively small loss and cost.

Also, because electric devices can be small and quiet compared to those using most other forms of energy.

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Q: Why is so much of the energy you use today in the form of electricity?
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Well, pressure energy can be converted into electrisity,in industries they use electricity to pressure for compress a object so if we have so much pressure we can create electricity.preessure will apply force on a body we know that force is also one form of energy so energy can be created.if you tell me in industries how they convert electricity into pressure we can definitely convert pressure to energy,bye.

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No. IN fact, it is arguably the greenest form of energy that exists today. It means 'water produced energy'. (If you didn't get that, I meant that hydroelectricity is the form of converting water's energy to electrical energy). It is very much not a natural disaster at all.

How do you test electricity generated by people using a multimeter II want to find out how much energy a person has using a multimeter?

That doesn't seem very practical. Of course, you can check for voltages between different parts of the skin. However, (1) I suspect that much of the electricity in the human body would be on the inside - inaccessible for a normal multimeter. (2) Since you are talking about "energy", please note that most of the energy in our body will not be in the form of electricity. There are other types of energy.

How much electricity does geothermal energy generate?

i suse 39

One problem with wind energy as a major source of electricity is?

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