

Why is soil important to carnivores?

Updated: 9/24/2023
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Q: Why is soil important to carnivores?
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Water is important for soil so that the soil can be health and grow plants!

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It is important to have clay in your soil because clay is fertile

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It is important because the animals eat the plants grown out of the soil.

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soil organisms are important because without the organisms there'd be no plants

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The soil is important for plants and animals because it helps to decompose.

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soil is important to nature bcoz w/out soil no trees can live... soil is considered to be the most important raw materials in planting aside from seedlings...

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sunlight gives energy to plants so they can make chemical reactions that provide the nutrients for herbivores which makes them more nutritious to carnivores and decomposes leaving the soil better for the plants. Its all a cycle

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it is important for soil