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Using appropriate standard English prevents misunderstanding and therefore mis-communication in the workplace.

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Q: Why is standard English appropriate for the workplace?
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Is the word theirself an actual word?

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(in the US) See the below related link:

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No, it is not illegal to speak Punjabi in an English workplace in the UK. However, employers can set language policies relating to business operations and communication to ensure smooth functioning of the workplace. It is important to follow these policies while at work.

Is reyt a word?

"Reyt" is not a standard English word; it may be a regional or slang term in some dialects.

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"Retardeded" is not a standard English word. The correct form would be "retarded." It is also important to note that using this term in a derogatory or offensive manner is not appropriate.

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Business English Index or BEI is an index that measures business English proficiency in the workplace.