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Littering causes pollution and can, ultimately, kill the environment.

This means no more Bambi, rabbit, or any other animals that depend on herbivores and omnivores. Sorry, environment lovers ):

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Q: Why is stopping littering important to the world?
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How does water impact the wetland?

People destroy wetlands by littering it. We can stop it by not waiting for the world to stop it, but by stopping it yourself. -Marioveteran on Club Penguin

Why is littering bad for the world?

littering is bad for the world because animals may get injured from them.

Why is littering a problem?

the littering had been a big problem around the world all the time. Littering is a really bad because it can hurt us and the earth. so if your the one who is littering, then STOP IT!!!!

How can you help the humpback whale repopulate?

You can help by stopping people and not letting them kill them,you can also help by not littering and polluting the ocean.

What are three reasons not to litter?

Littering causes our water to become polluted. Littering harms animals and may kill them. Littering makes our world less attractive.

How can not littering make the world a better place to be?

Not littering can make this world a better place because it takes care of our trees, which takes care of us.

Is education a better way to stop littering rather than punishments?

Education can be more effective than punishments in stopping littering as it addresses the root of the problem by teaching people about the impact of littering on the environment and society. Education can raise awareness, promote a sense of responsibility, and encourage positive behavior change in the long term. Punishments, while they may deter littering in the short term, do not necessarily address the underlying attitudes and beliefs that lead to littering.

What can you do for the world not to end?

By not littering and ask god not to end it

What is the law that prohibits littering?

The law that prohibits littering varies by jurisdiction but generally, littering is prohibited under environmental or sanitation laws. Penalties for littering can include fines, community service, or even imprisonment. It is important to be aware of and comply with the specific littering laws in your area to help keep the environment clean and healthy.

Where is littering happening?

everywhere. pollution is a world-wide problem.

How much littering is there?

More than we can deal with and enough to kill the world

How did they get the word littering for littering?

put up signs everywhere to say that there is policy against littering so stop doing the littering or stop!! living bad people do littering