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surgeries are dangerous because if they cut a lung or a vain or forget to do something else you might die. its a 50 50 chance of death and life. also if you surgery of talking of fat just do excersise instead of talking fat be cause your rescing your lives

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Q: Why is surgery dangerous?
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What is the most dangerous form of surgery?

well i can very well name you the hardest to do which is the brain surgery, but the most dangerous I've read is the open heart surgery and brain surgery :D and honestly, most surgery's are very dangerous haha ^-^

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Gastric bypass surgery is a very dangerous surgery. Some side effects of a gastric bypass surgery are confusion, nightmares, sweating, shaking, headaches and many more.

Is Gastric Bypass Surgery more or less dangerous than Lap-Band Surgery?

It's more dangerous than the lap band.

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Any type of plastic surgery can be dangerous. Any type of "normal" surgery can be dangerous. Noses can collapse and fall in on themselves. Any surgery has the risk of infection. Please consulate a professional if you plan on having any type of surgery, including cosmetic surgery.

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Back surgery can be dangerous and should only be done as a last resort.

Is cosmetic surgery dangerous?

Cosmetic surgery can be dangerous, if complications occur. Hemorrhage, infection and anesthetic complications are amongst the most common dangers associated with cosmetic surgery. Choosing a skilled plastic surgeon prevents all this.

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no it is not dangerous because it could happen but i read somewhere that there is a surgery that you can have to reverse it.

How dangerous is cervical spine surgery?

Cervical spine surgery can be life threating just like any other surgery. It depends on the hospital and how educated and reputable the doctors are about the surgery.

What failure percentage is considered dangerous in surgery?

If you are the patient, one is sufficient.

Is gastric bypass surgery more dangerous than Lap-Band surgery?

Weight loss surgery (gastric bypass or lap-band®) can be a life-saving procedure ... a process that can be very dangerous for some patients.Gastric bypass surgery is therefore a lot more potentially life-changing in a negative way than lap band surgery would be.