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Q: Why is sweatshops found in LEDCs because?
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Where are sweatshops found?

in LEDCs (less economically developed countries)

Is Somalia a medcs or ledcs country?

LEDC because it has faming in it and ...

Where are most sweatshops located?

Sweatshops, or illicit centers using exploitive human labor can be located anywhere globally. Often sweatshops are affiliated with off-shore developing economies with weaker regulatory powers or resources. However, sweatshops have and can be found in industrialized states also.

Why do women sew in sweatshops?

because the are good at it

Why did sweatshops start?

Unofficial sweatshops have been around for quite a while. Most of the established official sweatshops have only been around since the mid 1900s.

Why are companies using LEDCs for manufacturing purposes?


What companies have sweatshops?

none, the sweatshops are all owned by local operators and not by the actual product seller because of liability reasons

Is free people clothing made in sweatshops?

no they're found in value village...

How do sweatshops make ther products?

People in LEDCs are forced to make product by the company . They take very little salary per day ( 50p ) and work for 16 hours a day throughout all the week . People in LEDCs are forced to work to get money and escape from their severe poverty . As known As " Getting a small amount of something is better than nothing . " Many Worrkers get exploited by the companies too .

Why are these children working in the sweatshops and where are their parents?

They are often children whose parents sold them or gave them to work in sweatshops because the family is too poor to feed them.

Does fair trade benefit retailers more than LEDCs?

why is fair trade good for LEDCs

Why cities LEDCs are growing faster than cities in MEDCs?

Because LEDCs are generally weaker than MEDCS so in a general term we are to see the weak rise compared to the strong, cause you cannot get stronger.