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This depends on which calendar is being used.

No, I think I understand the Q & have rearranged it: the years 0-99 are not the 0 century, they are the 1st century. In the same way 1900s becomes 20th century. This explains why the end of the milennium was at the end of 1999 not the end of 2000, of course there was never effectively year 0, the first 365 days are the end of year 1.......


In the Gregorian calendar, the end of the millennium was actually December 31st, 2000, as that ended the second thousand years. If 1999 is chosen (as it was by "popular acclaim") it means that the millennium was only 999 years long, not one thousand.

As for the question, the years 1-100 were the first century (AD) so it follows that the years 1901-2000 are the twentieth.

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Here it is laid out in an excel format.

1-100 - 1st century

101-200 - 2nd century

201-300 - 3rd century

301-400 - 4th century

401-500 - 5th century

501-600 - 6th century

601-700 - 7th century

701-800 - 8th century

801-900 - 9th century

901-1000 - 10th century

1001-1100 - 11th century

1101-1200 - 12th century

1201-1300 - 13th century

1301-1400 - 14th century

1401-1500 - 15th century

1501-1600 - 16th century

1601-1700 - 17th century

1701-1800 - 18th century

1801-1900 - 19th century

1901-2000 - 20th century

2001-2100 - 21st century

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Q: Why is the 1900s century is called the 20 century?
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You may be referring to the way the 1900s were called the 20th century for example. First, the 1900s are slightly out of alignment with the 20th century which is why people confuse them. You are not referring to the same years. So the 1900s refers to 1900 to 1999 whereas the 20th century refers to 1901 to 2000. Both are correct in their own right in talking about the 1900s or talking about the 20th century, but they do not refer to the same years. The 19th century and the 1900s are completely different, as the 19th century was 1801 to 1900, so had only one year in common with the 1900s, namely the year 1900. The 20th century is the 20th group of 100 years, so it ended at 2000. If the century and the the digits they start with were the same, I.E. the 19th Century was the years 1900 to 1999, then by default the 1st Century would have to be the years 100 to 199. If that were the case, then what would the year 1 to 99 be called, the Zero Century? Also, it would only be 99 years, as there was no year zero. The first century was year 1 to year 100. It didn't start with year 100 or the mythical year zero. The 2nd century was the second group of 100 years, so from 101 to 200. We are now in the 21st century, which is the 21st group of 100 years, so it runs from 2001 to 2100. People will refer to 2000 to 2099 as the 2000s.

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The 1900s stands for the early 20th century. This period of time would run between the years 1900 and 1910.

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