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Q: Why is the 5 dollar foot long so popular?
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What is the origin of the foot measurement?

A long time ago a king wanted to see how long his foot was. His foot was exactly 12 feet long so he called that a foot.

How tall is 1 foot?

A foot is 12 inches long. So, for example, if the titanic was 862 feet long, in inches that would be.............. 2155 inches long

Have you seen the Subway 5 foot long commercial?

yes so what?

How long is an m14 airsoft gun foot wise?

@ 3.5 or so

Wire sells for 0.125 a foot how many feet can you buy for a dollar?

.125 is the same as 1/8 so you could buy 8 feet of wire for a dollar assuming that it is tax free.

How long is 300 feet?

My foot is 28cm long, so 300 feet are 300 x 28cm = 8.4m long

How long in miles is a trillion dollars in dollar bills laid end to end?

The length of a dollar bill is 6.14 inches so:6140000000000 inches12 inches in a foot:6140000000000 ÷ 12 = 511666666666.67 feet5280 feet in a mile:511666666666.67 ÷ 5280 = 96,906,565.66 miles (that will take you almost 4 million miles past the sun)

How long is 24 inches?

24 inches is 2 feet long and a foot is about the size of a grown man's foot.there are 12 inches in a foot so therefore it is 2 feet

Why is steak and kidney so popular?

Steak and kidney are so popular because they both have been around for so long, and it just gets passed on :)

To feed 60 people how long should a sub be?

about 10, 3 foot subs so the sub should be 30 feet long depends on how much those people can eat either 1/2 a foot long or a whole footlong in that case you will need a 60 foot long sub.

Can a shooter in NETBALL lift her landed foot and rest it on the other foot before taking a shot?

Yes she can so long as her grounded foot doesn't touch the ground again.

How long do you wear a boot after a broken foot?

It depend but probably a month or so. The boot should be worn because it helps the foot heal.