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Q: Why is the Aztec solar calender important to the Aztecs?
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Was the Aztec calendar solar or lunar?

both. the Aztecs had 2 calendars.

What were some major accomplishments of Aztec and Mayan civilizations?

The Maya made an extremely accurate calender, and the Aztecs had a religion. Had 500 different cities and towns which is pretty huge for those times and also about 15 million people in their tribe they also had a solar calendar that had 18 monthes and 20 days and they had 5 extra days for celebrations.

What did the Mayans use to plant crops?

solar calender

Why is there a Julian calendar?

The Julian Calender (which became the Christian Calender with only a few holidays retained) is a solar calender, based on earth's orbit of the sun. Previously the Romans used a lunar calender like the Chinese, based on the moon's orbit of the earth. The solar calender was more efficient, and Julius Caeser was a man who liked efficiency, so he pushed for adoption of the calender which bears his name.

How is the Chinese calendar different from the western one?

The Chinese calender utilizes both the lunar and solar calenders. When the 'Chinese New Year' is discussed it is in reference to the lunar calender which is still used for traditional purposes. The western calender is now exclusively solar, which is accepted as a more reliable and accurate calender system.

Is the Chinese calendar apart of Chinese mythology?

Chinese calender was created according to the combination of solar calender and moon cycles rather than mysthology.

How many days does the Aztec solar calendar consist of?


End of earth 2012?

The reason people think the world is going to end in 2012 is because the Aztec calender ends. But the reason it ends is because it just starts back over....the Aztecs based their calander of the starts and planets. on December 21 2012 all the planets in the solar system will be perfectly aligned, weather or not that kill us i don't know, but if it has any affects it will most likeley be on gravity and tide, lots of flooding or might move us closer to the sun

What were the Aztecs beliefs on solar eclipses?

Aztecs believed that if a pregnant woman saw an eclipse, her baby would be born with a cleft pallet.

What type of Calendars did the Aztecs use?

The Aztec calendar is typical of pre-Columbian, Meso-American societies, containing a solar calendar of 365 days and a ritual calendar of 260 days. These calendars are depicted on an ancient rock glyph called the sun stone. Every 52 solar years, the calendars realign, marking the beginning of a new century.

The Aztecs used two calendars One was for the ritual year and the other was for the?

Solar Calendar :)

The Aztecs used two calendars?

One was for the ritual year and the other was for the solar year.