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Q: Why is the Independence Day important?
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Independence Day

Why is Independence Day an important holiday?

Because the Fourth of July was the day that the United States of America gained their independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain. It was also the day the Declaration of Independence was signed.

What is the important of the Independence Day?

I am asked to 3 to 4 minutes speech on independence day on 15th plz provide me some stuff

Why do you think john Adams thought the independence day was important?

It was a day that a country is formed.

What are El Salvador's important events?

Holidays such as Christmas, Memorial Day, Independence Day and Flag day.

What are important dates in Colombia?

Some important dates in Colombia include: July 20th: Colombian Independence Day, commemorating the country's independence from Spanish rule in 1810. August 7th: Battle of Boyacá Day, celebrating the victory in 1819 that led to Colombia's independence. December 7th: Day of the Candles, a religious holiday where households decorate their homes and streets with candles. November 11th: Independence of Cartagena, honoring the independence of the city of Cartagena in 1811.

Why is September 21 an important day for Armenians?

That's the day they celebrate their independence from the Soviet Union in 1991.

Why was the Statue of Liberty important to the french?

It represents the day they declared their independence/ freedom

Why is July 4 an important date?

That was the day U.S. won their independence (officially).

What are some important Holidays in West Africa?

Fourth of July, Botswanian Day, MIlitary Independence Day, Gender Bender Day

Why is July 4 such an important day?

it's the date on which america signed the declaration of independence.

Why is independence important for Mexico?

The same reason America celebrates the 4th of July: it commemorates the day the struggle of independence from the "mother country" begun.