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At 22 volumes, it is simply the most comprehensive English dictionary there is, with quotes going back to at least the 7th century (that I'm aware of). It is also the most comprehensive etymological work in English, with etymologies for most of the entries. There's really no other dictionary like it in any other language.

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Which dictionary is better Cambridge dictionary or Oxford's New American dictionary?

They're different, so they cannot be compared. Cambridge Dictionary is the British-English spelling and definition of words. Whereas Oxford's New American dictionary is the American spelling and definition of words. It depends on which you need. If you're British, go for Cambridge. If you're American, go for the other.

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According to the Oxford English dictionary, in one context yes it is, but there are several definitions so it depends in what context you are communicating in.

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From the Concise Oxford English Dictionary: discrete, a. Seperate, individually distinct, discontinuous. Shakespeare was discrete because he was not a Siamese twin.

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Some popular American English dictionaries include Merriam-Webster, American Heritage, and Oxford American. Each dictionary has its own features, so the "best" choice ultimately depends on your personal preferences and needs.

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under or with a flying seal: "a letter with a seal attached but not closed, so that it may be read by a person who is requested to forward it to its destination." [from the Oxford English Dictionary]

Why a word is one dictionary but not another?

Because words get added to the dictionary and become actual words every year, so if your 2008 Oxford Dictionary has the word "odd" and your 2002 Oxford Dictionary didn't it was simply because the 2008 one was a newer version. By the way, that was only an example. E.

How you get free Bangla dictionary?

Try English to Bengali Dictionary Bengali to English and English Dictionary at . It is an Online Bangla Dictionary. So you do not need to install any software to use it.

What accent would will parry have?

He Lives in oxford so i suspect he'd have a queens English accent. He Lives in oxford so i suspect he'd have a queens English accent.

What is last word in Oxford English dictionary?

ZZZ (used to represent the sound of a person snoring.)That is an onomatopoeia. So it is technically not a word. It is actually zyzzyva, a South American weevil that tends to infect plants.

What is the plural of 'mouse' on a computer?

Mice? Or Mouses?Really, the answer is either. Both forms are used among professionals and the general public, and both forms are listed in the Oxford English Dictionary and the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, so use whichever one you prefer.

When did the word email enter the dictionary?

Because there are so many dictionaries, and the major dictionaries are constantly being revised and up-dated. it is probably impossible to say when any particular word "entered the dictionary." The Oxford English Dictionary, as well as providing definitions and etymology, attempts to record the earliest known uses of words. According to The Oxford English Dictionary, the first use of the word "email" was in 1877, describing a method of colouring porcelain. In the modern sense of sending electronic messages, the first recorded use is in ComputerWorld Magazine, July 1982.

Is homebuyer one or two words?

The online Merriam-Webster dictionary ( does not have "homebuyer" listed as a word, so I believe it would be two words. Home buyer