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prophet Muhammad is the last prophet. during israk mikraj all the prophet are meet together, they give salam to each other. finally they pray which we pray now today in Muslim and prophet Muhammad are the leader in that pray (solat) which call imam.

in this case, prophet Muhammad was stand in front of all the other prophet, included prophet Jesus. that why all the Muslim today much more praised prophet Muhammad and he is the last prophet. that mean we now is the follower of prophet Muhammad. not Jesus.

who ever follow prophet Jesus, call them self christian. Actually Christians are not resist.

they are spouse joint Muslim and become Islam. Why this happen, the answer is because Israel and Nasrani (the Israel helper, what I seen today is America) jealousy at Muslim and Islam.

Prophet Muhammad said, don't harm any body and be a friend to any body include your enemies. That why we didn't have a weapon to fight now, cause we are friendly to any body but Israel and hie helper try to sabotage Muslim and say Muslim is terrorism. Its not true. Hundred percent wrong.


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