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Q: Why is the Serengeti Plains so important?
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What is the size of the serengeti plains?

what is the size of the serengeti plains #

What country in Africa is the Serengeti Plains located?

The Serengeti Plains are mainly in the northeast of Tanzania, and stretching a bit into the southeast of Kenya.

What is the rarest bird in the serengeti plains?

It is your mother

Where does the name serengeti come from?

The word Serengeti derives from the Masai people meaning endless plains.

What are the major plains of the world?

There are three major plains of the world. They are the North American Great Plains, the African Serengeti Plains, and the Russian Steppes.

What is the significance of Serengeti Plains?

The reason it has significance is because it has boobies and balls

Which type of limiting factor is the seasonal drought in the serengeti plains?

abiotic factor

What type of limiting factor is the seasonal drought in the Serengeti plains?

Abiotic factor

How is the Serengeti Plains important?

it is a national park in the northwest Tanzania and southwest Kenya protected by both Zambia and Zimbabwe. It has many animals. It is very flat land.

What is a good description of the serengeti?

the serengeti plains is a Savannah in Africa in which millions of wildebeasts miagrate through each year. it is mosly flat with many speicies of trees like the baobob tree.

What are The three major plains of the world?

The three major plains are the North American plain, Eurasian plain, and the Amazon Basin.

What does Serengeti mean?

The Serengeti is a desert in Tanzania and is also partially in Kenya. Oh yea this was answered by Chely Nazario