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Actually the US owes about one trillion and half dollars to china out of the sixteen trillion of the total debt.

It can quite be impossible for the united states to pay this in one payment but it can be paid in a payment plan.

For example if the US goverment paid 35 billion dollars a year to china it will take about 30 years to pay it off.

Now if the US goverment paid 75 billion dollars a year to china it will take about 25 years to pay it off.

Now in order to pay off this debt the US goverment must make some cuts somewhere to pay for this and not borrow anymore.....

Lets see..

The US goverment spends about 37 billion dollars in foreign aid and military asistance.

If we cut this forms of aid we now have 37 billion dollars to pay now we need 38 billion more...

If the US goverment took a billion dollars from other programs like 5 billion on army, and 5 billion from foodstamps and some here and some there etc. the goverment would have enough money to pay back the debt it owes to china and most importantly it didnt have to borrow.

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Q: Why is the US so in debt with China?
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