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Q: Why is the acceleration of falling objects affected by gravity?
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The acceleration of gravity means that for each second that passes falling objects move 98 meters?

No, that's not correct.The acceleration of gravity means that for each second that passes, falling objects fallat a speed that's 9.8 meters per second fasterthan it was one second earlier.

Is the acceleration of an object proportional to its weight?

If you meant to say mass instead of weight, the acceleration of an object is inversely proportional to mass, because F=ma. However for falling objects where acceleration is equal to gravity, the weight is not a variable.

What is the meaning of Free Falling?

Let's imagine there is no air resistance and that gravity is the only thing affecting a falling object. Such an object would then be in free fall. Freely falling objects are affected only by gravity

How is the acceleration of falling obkects affected by gravity?

Gravity itself is an acceleration. The standard equation for force is F=ma, where F is force, m is mass and a is acceleration. w=mg is the same equation applied to a particular type of force: weight. In w=mg, w is weight, m is mass and g is gravity, or the acceleration due to gravity if you prefer. The value of g for ALL objects near Earth's surface is 9.8 meters per square second.

How does gravity affect the veloctiy of falling objects?

The force of gravity will accelerate the falling objects towards itself.

Why does gravity make falling objects fall faster?

By Newton's Second Law: force = mass x acceleration, or acceleration = force / mass. Since there is a force, there should be an acceleration - a change of velocity.

Acceleration of a falling coin on tower?

The acceleration of falling objects in Earth is about 9.8 m/s2.

How does gravity affect objects falling to the ground?

gravity is what makes objects fall

When falling objects no longer accelerate?

A falling object no longer accelerates, due to friction in the atmosphere, when the friction buildup equals gravity's acceleration. This is called it's terminal velocity.

What is the acceleration rate for falling objects?

If the objects are under free fall near the surface of the Earth, then they are under uniform acceleration due to gravity whose magnitude is 9.8ms-2 .In general, on the surface of a planet of mass m and radius r the acceleration due to gravity is Gm/r2, where G is Newton's gravitational constant.

What is the acceleration of objects falling towards earth?


What is the pull of gravity on a objects mass?

The pull of gravity on any given object is of course the objects weight. The acceleration an object undergoes while falling due to gravity's pull is approximately 9.8 m/s/s. (meters per second per second)