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Q: Why is the acceleration of gravity important?
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How is gravity and aceleration important to physics?

Gravity and acceleration is important to keep mass aggregates together in the Universe. Gravity structures mass aggregates into solar systems and galaxies.

How does Acceleration relate to gravity?

Not at all. However Gravity can impart an acceleration - Gravitational acceleration.

How acceleration effect gravity?

Acceleration does not effect gravity. It is rather the other way round. Gravity can affect the rate of acceleration.

How does speed and acceleration effect gravity?

Speed or acceleration have no effect on gravity.

What is the acceleration for the pull of gravity?

If you mean acceleration due to gravity it is ~9.8m/s2

What is the definition of acceleration due to gravity?

Gravity acceleration g=GM/r2.

How do you calculate the acceleration of gravity?

To calculate the acceleration of gravity, time (t) an object falling a certain distance (d) and the acceleration of gravity= d/t

Is there acceleration in the y direction?

Yes , there is a constant acceleration is the y- axis. and that acceleration is called acceleration due to gravity or Gravity. Gravity attracts every falling body which is on y axis. that's why the gravity is on y axis which is constant

What is equivalent of acceleration due to gravity?

acceleration due to gravity of earth is 9.8ms-2

What is mass multiplied by gravity?

Force or weight Force= mass X acceleration gravity is an acceleration (9.8m/s2) Weight = mass X acceleration due to gravity

How is the acceleration of an object in free-fall related to the acceleration due to gravity?

The acceleration in free fall IS the acceleration due to gravity, since "free fall" is the assumption that no forces other than gravity act on the object.

What is accileration due to gravity on earth?

Acceleration due to gravityThe acceleration produced in the motion of a body under gravity is called Acceleration.