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The activation energy diagram is drawn as a hill because there is a large amount of energy needed to form the unstable transition state (viewed as the upward slope on the diagram). The difference between this peak energy and the rectants' energy is the activation energy. When this state decomposes in to more stable products (which are more stable than the reactants), the energy of the molecules is lower, thus the downward slope after the peak.


Activation energy is the energy at the potential barrier between the two fields with low energy (at left and at right) representing the sum of energies of reactants and products; the reaction is possible if the activation energy can exceed this barrier. And in a graphic this is the pic of a hill.

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It's used as an analogy. Chemical reactions all have an energy "threshold" to "get going." This "hill" must be overcome for the reaction to occur.

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Q: Why is the activation energy pictured as a hill in two diagrams?
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This is the energy needed to get us from our starting point to the top of the hill would be the activation enery

When you Reduce activation energy what happens?

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One example of supplying activation energy to start a reaction is by heating a mixture of reactants to increase the kinetic energy of their molecules, aiding in overcoming the energy barrier for the reaction to occur. Another way is to use a catalyst, which provides an alternative reaction pathway with lower activation energy, allowing the reaction to proceed more easily.

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