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It is not necessary; there are a number of theoretical explanations of how the cosmos came to be. The Big Bang is only one of many. There is hardly any actual evidence to support any of the explanations, except one item; the 4 degree Kelvin microwave background radiation. That seems to be the single point of data that points directly at something like the Big Bang having happened.

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Q: Why is the big bang theory necessary to the development of physics?
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Why is the big bang theory as currently postulated incomplete?

Hello, i am minakshi so, the big bang theory as currently postulated incomplete because the big bang theory does not answers about the questions that what happened or what was there before the big bang ? it also does not tells about the singularities,that what is singularities, and why the laws of physics are not implied on it.

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How is the big bang theory is an example od scienctific theory?

Hello i am minakshi answer is that the big bang theory is an example of old scientific theory as big bang theory explains that there was an explosion but the isotropy and the homogenity of the universe is not explained by big bang theory to explain his we connect inflatation theory with big bang theory to explain it so the big bang theory is also an example of old scientific theory.

What law does the big bang theory break?

The Big Bang Theory does not break any specific laws of physics. It is a scientific model that describes the origin and evolution of the universe based on observations and theoretical calculations. However, there are still many questions and mysteries surrounding the Big Bang Theory that scientists are actively working to understand.

Why do you need to study chemistry and physics?

To quote Howard Wolowitz from the popular TV show The Big Bang Theory, 'You don't have to but it's highly recommended.' It's not necessary to absolutely study chemistry and physics but if you want pursue science these are the subjects to study. If you want to study arts then English literature and history are the subjects you need to pursue.

What can you be in your future if you study physics?

Some kind of a physicist (watch the Big Bang Theory for a good comparison), unless you drop out and become a physician like I did.

Scientists extrapolate backwards in time to derive?

the big bang theory

What is the name of the town in The Big Bang Theory?

The Big Bang Theory is set in Pasadena California.

Who proposed big bang and universe is expanding explain?

The history of the Big Bang theory began with the Big Bang's development from observations and theoretical considerations. Much of the theoretical work in cosmology now involves extensions and refinements to the basic Big Bang model.