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dispersion forces are greater in Radon than in xenon and krypton because radon has the greatest number of electrons and thus the greatest ability to polarize.

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6mo ago

The boiling point of a substance is determined by the strength of its intermolecular forces. Radon, being a larger atom with more electrons, has stronger London dispersion forces compared to xenon and krypton. This stronger intermolecular force requires more energy to overcome, resulting in a higher boiling point for radon.

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Q: Why is the boiling point of radon higher than xenon and krypton?
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Melting and boiling point of radon?

Radon (Rn) Melting points: 202.0 K, −71.15 °C, −96.07 °F Boiling points: 211.3 K, −61.85 °C, −79.1 °F

What is the boiling point if radon?

-61.8 degrees Celsius

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What is Melting and boiling point of radon?

Melting Point: -71.0 °C (202.15 K, -95.8 °F)Boiling Point: -61.8 °C (211.35 K, -79.24 °F)

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What state radon at 20 degrees c?

Gaseous state. The boiling point of radon is -71 degrees C. So at 20 degrees C, it is above the boiling point and is a gas at this temperature.

What group is radon found in?

Radon is a member of the noble gases group: helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, radon.

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These are the noble or inert gases, and they are all stable except for radon. Radon has no stable isotopes.

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