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The box elder tree is not named after the box elder bug. The trees in question (Acer negundo) receive their name from the similarity of their white wood to that of a boxwood and of their pinnately compound foliage to that of an elder. The name-saking serves the other way around, with the insects in question (Boisea trivittata) being linked with their favorite food source.

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Q: Why is the box elder tree named after the box elder bug?
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What tree has the same name as a bug?

Box Elder (Bug and Tree) I went to Box Elder High School. :-)

How does Box Elder virus affect wood used in woodworking?

My research indicates that there is no such thing as a "box elder virus". There is a box elder bug, so named because it is attracted to the box elder tree. In normal concentrations, it poses no danger to the tree, its wood or to human health. It is simply a nuisance.

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Size of a box elder bug?

the box ellders size is 1.2 inches

What is the scientific name for the box elder bug?

Boisea trivittata

How do you tell a male boxelder bug from a female?

Body parts, shape and size distinguish the female boxelder bug from the male.Specifically, reproductive parts are located on the bug in question's (Boisea trivittata) last, rear, third main body part, the abdomen. They facilitate rear-to-rear mating between the two genders. The female is slightly bigger than the male because of an abdomen that can be seen peeping out from under the bug's wings when viewed from above. The female also shows a duller orange color and a more rounded rear.

What is the size of a box elder bug?

The adults are about 12½ mm (½ in) long.

What order is the box elder bug in?

The Boxelder bug is of the Hemiptera-Heteroptera Order. Class-Insecta. Family-Rhopalidae.

What is the box elder bug's prey?

Plant body parts are the prey of the box elder bug (Boisea trivittata).Specifically, box elder bugs have piercing-sucking mouthparts. This kind of mouth enables the box elder bug to feed on soft plant tissue such as flowers and leaves. They also can feed on twigs if the latter are young. Additionally, they prefer these plant body parts to be on ash, boxelder (Acer negundo) and maple (Acer spp) trees.

What is the name of a black flying bug with red and black wings They are all over our windows and doors and are really becoming a neusance since they are now coming in the house?

We call them box elder bugs I am not sure if that is the real name or not. They like to stay around were there is a box elder tree.

Does a box elder bug have red blood?

No, box elder bugs do not have red blood. They nevertheless have liquids which circulate internally and which may be released under stress and with death.

How does a box elder bug defend its self?

it would depend on the problem it's having