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Q: Why is the character called an underscore It can't be used to underscore text?
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What prints with an underscore below each character?

Its called underlined text

What is a text prints with an underscore?


How to continue command in next line in vb6?

UnderScore, _ for normal statement and for string ampersand "&" character is required e.g.1 form1.textarea1.text = _ val(text2.text) e.g.2 form1.textarea1.text = "this is m" & _ "y complete message"

How do you make an upside-down underscore?

An upside-down underscore, "¯", is created by holding the "Alt" key and then pressing 0175 on the numpad.

What is word boundary in regular expression?

A word boundary in a regular expression represents a position between a word character (such as a letter, digit, or underscore) and a non-word character (such as a space or punctuation). It is denoted by the meta-character "\b". Matching a word boundary allows you to search for patterns in text that are at the beginning or end of words.

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What is a character used to identify column placement in text usually a tab or a comma is called?

Separator Character

Which is the key for underscore on a keyboard?

You can produce the underscore as a lone character, or series of characters, by holding <shift> and pressing the hyphen/dash key (the key just to the right of the zero key). But to create underscored characters, it is necessary to use a text/word processor program that supports underscored characters. In many programs, the method is to highlight the text string you wish to underline and then hit <control>u; or right-click the highlighted text and look for an underline option in the drop-down.

Can tables text?

no tables cant text

How do you use underscore on a iPad?

The email program does not support it for text entry, but other programs such as Pages do. Each program does it differently.

What is a underline blinking character on the screen?

That is a cursor - it tells you where text will be inserted if you type text.

How do you underscore a letter in an email address?

How do I underline an email address?Idont know. Ihave tried pressing shift key and button to rhs of zerokey but to no avail. Can you advise please?